


Logistics Information

What percent is the average discount on transportation costs?

Transportation costs are calculated by applying various elements, such as the transport route, entry and exit of automobiles, type of work performed by the shipper, time, and the cargo weight.

Therefore, please understand that the cost may be different for every shipper, and we will answer any detailed inquiries if you contact the sales representatives at the Seoul and branch offices.

There may be slight differences in internal standards between each container manufacturer, but 40¡¯DRY and 40¡¯HQ are different in height.
Please refer to the data below.

Category Width (Internal) Length (Internal) Height (Internal)
40' DRY 2,438(2,330) 12,192(11,998) 2,591(2,350)

How much difference is there between the transportation cost for 40¡¯DRY and 40¡¯HQ?

There are cases of some independent transportation companies charging different costs for 40¡¯DRY and 40¡¯HQ, but there is no difference in transportation costs.

What percent is the Reefer container more expensive than the Dry container?

Different from general containers, the Reefer container additionally requires a generation set, a power supply device, to maintain an even temperature. Because of the transportation format in which the driver must check the operation status at every time interval, an additional charge is included in the transportation cost.
The reported rate of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is determined as 30%, and we will answer any detailed inquiries if you contact the sales representatives at the Seoul and branch offices.

Which is cheaper, inland transportation or railway transportation?

The transportation cost of containers is not determined by the mode of transportation (inland/railway). The transportation rate is charged as outlined in the container inland transportation rate table, the reported rate of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, which is prescribed for each unit of administrative area of the si/gun/gu. For reference, you can think of the inland, railway, and seashore ocean transportation as diverse options provided by the transport company to increase the quality of transportation services provided to shippers.

What does Bob-tail mean?

Bob-tail refers to the process of loading and unloading with the chassis of the container left in the shipper¡¯s factory. It is generally requested by shippers requiring a long work time.

Is Bob-tail possible?

Bob-tail is only possible in the Gyeonggi region and the Busan metropolitan area. For other areas, we will answer any detailed inquiries if you contact the sales representatives at the Seoul and branch offices.

Do you process large-scale heavy cargo? (Transportation, stevedoring)

Ocean transportation of heavy cargo is being conducted through the SEBANG 8001 (8,000 TON) and SEBANG 20001 (17,000 TON) barge boats and tugboats. Using a module transporter equipment, it is possible to roll-on/off a maximum cargo unit weight of approximately 6,000 tons onto the barge boat.

Is it possible to install superheavy cargo?

Using our SEBANG KRAMO equipment, it is possible to install cargo up to a maximum of 7,200 tons.

Do you transport by truck?

We own 1-ton vehicles to 25-ton vehicles, and transportation is possible nationwide.

Do you do air transportation?

1) Air transportation is conducted through Overseas Air Cargo Co., Ltd. (Tel: 02-778-0271), our subsidiary.
2) Our bulk sales team conducts domestic inland transportation (including bonded transportation) and customs clearance on air cargo entered through airports, and please make inquiries to representatives for questions on transportation rates and other matters.

Do you do international ocean transportation?

We provide international ocean transportation services limited to heavy cargo materials. [We have barge and tugboats for ocean transport of heavy cargo, including 8,000 TON and 17,000 TON flat barge, and we safety transport superheavy cargo to Japan, China, Taiwan, and the Middle East.]

What is the rate for the stevedoring of bulk cargo at domestic ports?

To calculate the stevedoring rate of bulk cargo, the stevedoring rate is different for each port, and the costs are calculated differently based on the type/form/data of the cargo. We will be happy to answer any questions if you wish to contact our sales representatives at the Seoul and branch offices.

What is the rate for the transportation of bulk cargo?

We can compute the transportation rate of bulk cargo more accurately if the data/type/loading port-discharge port, loading coefficient (ratio of CBM per M/T), and transport section are accurately given. The rate is not fixed for each interval like for containers, and is determined by various factors. We will be happy to answer any questions if you wish to contact our sales representatives.

Do you own warehouses for bulk cargo? What kinds of cargo do you process?

The warehouses owned by SEBANG include the LME and general bulk cargo warehouses in Busan, over an area of 1,730 pyeong; LME warehouse in Gwangyang, an area of 6,000 pyeong; ore warehouse in Pohang, an area of 600 pyeong; warehouse for miscellaneous goods, grains, supplementary materials, and coil in Gunsan, an area of 12,000 pyeong; and the capital area logistics center in Anseong, an area of 3,000 pyeong.

Do you do fording provide forwarding service?

SEBANG does not directly administer fording forwarding work, but our subsidiary, SEBANG Express (Tel: 02-3469-0700), handles fording. We will be happy to answer any questions if you wish to contact us.

What is Third-Party Logistics?

It signifies an agent or intermediary within the logistics channel that has entered into temporary or long-term relationships with other agents in diverse logistics channels. The process in which a shipper and a single or multiple 3PL conducts a certain service for a certain period at a certain price under mutual consent is defined as 3PL or contract logistics. To state this more simply, 3PL can be seen as having started from the meaning of outsourcing the logistics functions previously conducted within a company. A fundamental difference from the existing outsourcing is that the outsourcing company determines the scope of the service from the user¡¯s perspective and manages the portion desiring to be serviced, while in 3PL, a part of all of the management of logistics activity is uniformly conducted by the third party.

What is the difference between Third-Party Logistics and other logistics systems?

We compared various items in a simple table. You will be able to have a good understanding after looking at this table.

Item Third-Party Logistics Traditional Logistics
Relationship with Shipper Close Coordination Short-Term Hierarchy
Form of Service "Integrated Logistics Oriented (Function+Management)" "Service by Function (Transportation, Storage, Stevedoring)"
Scope of Service Operation, Management, Strategy Operation
Contract Period Mid- to Long-Term Short-Term, Temporary
Form of Provided Service "Proposal (Proactive, Aggressive)" "Reception (Passive)"
Service Authority All Areas Controlled by Parent Company

What are the advantages of implementing Third-Party Logistics?

The advantage of implementing 3PL can be classified into general effect and strategic effect. As for the general effect, there are cost reduction, the use of cutting-edge logistics information systems, improvement of operational efficiency, improvement of logistics services, and strengthening of the shipper company¡¯s core competencies. As for the strategic effect, there are high logistics productivity, reduction of logistics costs, joint transportation and delivery, planned ordering, maintenance of planned transportation and delivery system, and maintenance of strategic customer service. Also, there may be numerous overall effects, such as risk reduction and the elimination of social and economic inefficiency.s

Do you handle containers?

3PL is fundamentally a total logistics system pursuing an integrated logistics system, so we are in charge of not only handling containers but also all tasks related to the flow of logistics, such as storage, warehousing, stevedoring, and transportation/delivery.

What are the future vision and strategy to be pursued by SEBANG 3PL?

SEBANG has experienced measureable growth by implementing the logistics capabilities, accumulated for the past 40 years, in the field of 3PL. However, SEBANG 3PL is not satisfied at this point and is pursuing the following vision and strategy in order to continuously adapt and develop the frontier of the new logistics environment of the future.

¡Ø Vision

¡Ø Strategy
- Securing Expertise: As a logistics system progressing into a more diverse and specialized system by securing not only basic operational expertise of 3PL but also logistics consulting capabilities and various logistics competitiveness such as IT, we will grow into an undisputable professional 3PL company by securing the ability to provide fourth-party logistics services through strategic alliances and networking in the fields of logistics services, logistics transportation, and logistics facilities.

- Securing Expert 3PL Personnel: In the future, SEBANG 3PL will be comprised of true 3PL talent who can solve problems in any logistics environment through creativity and expertise by securing expert 3PL personnel and thoroughly mastering theory and practice through a strict logistics education system and in-house/external logistics education.

- Establishment of Global Strategy: By securing a global 3PL strategy for the execution of 3PL work on integrated SCM, we will work to advertise the excellence of SEBANG 3PL to the global stage.